
There are a few ways to introduce a pause or break and influence the rhythm and cadence of the speaker. The most consistent way is programmatically using the syntax < break time="1.5s" /> This will create an exact and natural pause in the speech. It is not just added silence between words, but the AI has an actual understanding of this syntax and will
add a natural pause. We will be added a pause feature very soon to help with the user experience.


However, since this is more than just inserted silence, how the AI handles these pauses can vary. As usual, the voice used plays a pivotal role in the output. Some voices, those trained with a few “uh”s and “ah”s in them, have shown to sometimes insert those vocal mannerisms during the pauses, like a real speaker might. An example could look like this: 

"Give me one second to think about it " < break time="1.0s" /> "Yes, that would work."




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